International Uncategorized 

Thirty Days After US Election Putin Still Laughing Hysterically

Concern is mounting in the Russian Federation today as Vladimir Putin continues into his thirtieth day of hysterical laughter following the US presidential election. This has made it extremely difficult for the Russian leader to carry out even the simplest duties of his office such as meeting foreign dignitaries, reviewing budget documents, and narrowing down the list of future US presidents. Sergei Mronov, his personal doctor, attributes the cause to Putin’s inordinate love of practical jokes.  “But no joke, not one, has ever worked out this well, in the history of…

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Picky Bystander implicated in Fake News Scandal

Recent reports following the 2016 election cycle have revealed that the majority of news stories shared on Social Media in general and Facebook in particular were written by unshaven, overweight, hygiene-impaired malcontents living in a fever swamp of their own pitiful misogyny, anger, and despondency. And Breitbart’s Steve Bannon was not the only journalist implicated. Unfortunately other previously reputable journalistic enterprises have also become entangled in the growing scandal. Our very own Picky Bystander, the newspaper of record for Southeast Takoma Park and unpopulated parts of East Silver Spring, has…

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